Tuesday, 9 August 2011

How can I make true friends?

“I have been going to school for 13 years, but in all that time I have never dealt with to make one single friend.”

Everybody needs not only a friend but also hundreds of friends. As a saying said”No man is an island.”
Discover friends. Search out youths who not only make a profession of faith but also have works to back up their faith and loyalty. Age need not a hindrance to friendship. :-)
Have an interest with others. Know the person’s name. Others are often impressed that you cared enough to remember your name. Because of this they may share some experience or problem with you and the friendship starts to build. Be lowly in heart not showy.  Taking a sincere interest in others is the key to starting friendships.
Be a good listener. If we are genuinely concerned in what others are saying, they are usually drawn to us.
Be faithful.  The foundation quality of a friend is his loyalty. Will he really stick with you when times get rough?
Share your feelings. You are not embarrassed to lay bare your heart to those whom you trust. You can be open to everyone. As you get to know and trust someone, you can gradually tell more of your deepest feelings. At the same time, learning to have sympathy is essential for meaningful friendships.
Do not expect perfection.  Friendship costs- the time and emotions. Even when a friendship started is in a good start, don’t expect perfection because “we all make mistakes in all kinds of ways.” (James 3:2) A big part of friendship is you have to be willing to give.


  1. "How can i make true friends?" From this question, a new question may arise like "Who are my true friends?" Answering the second question, you may or can see what are the characteristics of persons you want to be your true friends. A true friend can help you through challenges and can be even encourage you to be a better person. From AWAKE! (published by Jehovah's Witnesses), these are the following criteria to determine who among your acquaintances might already displaying the qualities of a true friend: (1)TRUSTWORTHY, (2) SELF-SACRIFICING, (3)HELPS YOU TO BECOME A BETTER PERSON.
