How should I view my curfew?

Like a driver’s license, your curfew is a sign of progress
What can help: Imagine getting a driver’s license for the first time. In some places the law imposes restrictions on where, when, or with whom you are allowed to drive—at least until a certain age. Would you turn down such a license, arguing: “If I can’t have unlimited freedom, I’d rather not drive at all”? Of course not! You would view getting the license as a great accomplishment.
Likewise, try to see your curfew as a sign of progress—a step in the right direction. Focus, not on the limitations, but on the leeway it gives you. Don’t you have more freedom now than you did when you were younger?
Why this works: A curfew can be more palatable if you view it as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. Handle it well now, and likely you’ll be given more freedom later.—Luke 16:10.